A New Year… A New Beginning!


Wishing all fans :P, friends and my blog readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR &  A Blessed 2009.

May The Blessings of the Lord be upon you and your family the year ahead.

A new beginning always signify a new hope !  New Year is the best time of the year to take stock of our lives. It is also an ideal time to set goals and redefine priorities & establish fresh perspectives for the year ahead. 

As when I was writing this post, I heard this song on TV, The Young Ones by Cliff Richard and the lyrics was pretty approriate for the new year and it goes like this…

To live, love
While the flame is strong,
For we wont be the young ones very long.

Why wait till tomorrow,
Tomorrow sometimes never comes.
Love, me,
Theres a song to be sung
And the best time is to sing while were young.

Remember, Seize The Day!!! God Bless!