Sawadee Kup, greetings from Chiang Mai, Thailand

Janurary 2008 has been a busy month for me. Many things happened and some still unforgetable. I hope to unfold some as we go along.

By the way, I just landed on Chiang Mai 3 days ago on Sunday. The first impression I had of Chiang Mai is pretty much a laid back and under developed town. It took us about 2.5 hours by air from Singapore. Straight from the Chiang Mai Airport, we took a taxi straight to The Empress Hotel located 15 mins away from the airport at ChangKlan Road. No negotiation is required when it comes to taking a cab. It is pretty much control and the prices are pretty much fixed according to your destination. So if you are one of those who do not like to negotiate, Chiang Mai is for you. People here are more straight forward, they do not even expect to me tipped. They are just more then to provide a service.

*yawn* thats all for now folks….will post some pics soon! good night.

Happy New Year to All

Just wanna wish all my readers a Happy New Year!

Well I know it is 10th Jan 2008….but it is better late then never ;-P

HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE…May your dreams be fulfilled this year and may God keep you healthy, happy & prosperous in 2008.